Infertility Links

Enjoy these Infertility links we've curated for you, helping to answer the Infertility questions you have.

If it's Infertility information you're looking for, you'll find it here with 14 different categories ranging from Artificial Insemination to Vasectomy and Reversal.

Infertility Resources

Pinterest: @aroyaldaughter/infertility-resources

This Pinterest by Amanda shares quotes that any struggling couple can relate to. Those that visit this board will find support for dealing with the loss of being able to have children.

Infertility Encouragement

Pinterest: @wendymae218/infertility-encouragement

Those who need some support at this time can scroll through this Pinterest by Wendy Lazenby. It's chock full of inspirational and touching quotes that couples will enjoy and should internalize, such as getting through adversity.

Infertility Empowerment

Pinterest: @keikozoll/infertility-empowerment

Those looking to feel a bit better about their situation should visit this Pinterest by Keiko Zoll. She specializes in posting inspirational quotes as well as resources through articles that couples can read to learn more about getting through infertility.

Infertility Strong

Pinterest: @jutb/infertility-strong

Joyce Joy maintains this Pinterest to offer strength to couples dealing with the disappointment of infertility. This board is rife with quotes about maintaining strength and optimism during these rough waters.

Secondary Infertility

Pinterest: @twertman/secondary-infertility

Secondary infertility occurs after a woman has had a child but can no longer have more. Mothers going through that struggle will enjoy this board by Tonya Wertman.


Pinterest: @luskabb/adoption

For those ready to consider the option, this board run by Abbie Lusk should give plenty of incentive. It features plenty of quotes about starting a family through adoption and how wonderful it can be.

The Emotional Roller Coaster of Infertility

Pinterest: @jwmoore221/the-emotional-roller-coaster-of-infertility

Jenni Moore bravely shares her emotions dealing with infertility. As the name of the board suggests, sometimes the content is inspirational while other times reflects her frustration.

Infertility Awareness

Pinterest: @keishbadabeish/infertility-awareness

NaKeisha Moffett runs this board, which takes a sarcastic, somewhat humorous approach to not being able to conceive. Those who need some lightheartedness in the middle of their infertility battle will enjoy this account.

Infertility Humor

Pinterest: @resolve/infertility-humor

Once you and your partner feel a bit better about your situation, check out this board through RESOLVE: the National Infertility Association. It features plenty of laughs but also serious posts as well.

Infertility Hope

Twitter: @infertilityhope

Mindy Berkson is an infertility consultant who performs services nationwide. Her Lotus Blossom Consulting group posts tweets about inspirational stories and information like whether to freeze your eggs.

Male Infertility

Twitter: @infertilitymale

Men can also suffer from infertility, as this Twitter account proves. Those who are dealing with this can learn about sperm count and semen analysis here.

Infertility & Adoption

Twitter: @IAS_StLouis

The Infertility & Adoption nonprofit group based in St. Louis maintains this account. They also have a website where those in the area can learn about whether adoption is right for them.

USC Fertility

Twitter: @USCFertility

The Keck School of Medicine at USC maintains this Twitter account. Sample posts include news articles about infertility causes such as being overweight.

HRC Fertility

Twitter: @HRCFertility

HRC Fertility, based out of California, can help couples deal with the devastating effects of infertility. You can also learn about useful information like how to announce pregnancy to infertile friends.

End Infertility

Twitter: @end_infertility

Karen E. Pace, Ph.D is a consultant in California who offers support for miscarriage and infertility. She directly interacts with others on Twitter to give encouragement.

Male Infertility NY

Twitter: @UrologyatRMANY

The Center for Male Reproductive Health in New York focuses on male infertility. You can read all about what affects men's fertility, such as what underwear choice that he makes.

Infertile Blonde

Twitter: @InfertileBlonde

Becky Fawcett is a cofounder of and happens to be infertile. She pushes for adoption on her Twitter and helps provide support to other women going through infertility struggles.

Single Infertile Female


Single Infertile Female centers around Leah, a young woman who has yet to conceive after being diagnosed with infertility. She deals with the reality of the situation and writes about the joys of adoption in this blog.

Life Without Baby


Life Without Baby is a website with support, workshops, and resources for couples. It also includes a blog, where you can enjoy witty posts about choosing not to have children, adoption options, and maintaining happiness despite everything.

Infertility Overachievers


The couple that runs this blog used in vitro fertilization twice to have children. Then they conceived twins naturally. Read about their journey here.

From If To When


This blog tells of a woman, Katie, from Florida, who managed to overcome infertility. You can read about the various methods that she tried in detail.

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